Wales Leading the Way in Transforming Housing and Care


Since the launch of Caring for the Future in April 2018 momentum has been building within Hafod; rolling out our Neighbourhood Coaching model, including #connect, and integrating services in our Extra Care Schemes - promoting the effective coproduction of quality housing, care and support.

We are now looking to make Caring for the Future a reality across wider communities than our direct services alone. We will soon be inviting key stakeholders from across Cardiff to share their ideas, discuss possibilities and add their input into how we can make Caring for the Future a reality!



Transforming the future of housing & care in Wales.

With our significant scale and scope of delivery across care and social housing, Hafod is in a position to innovate, developing revolutionary ideas to integrate housing, health and care. Working with residents and partners in Wales we intend to disrupt and transform, helping to build neighbourhoods truly fit for the 21st century. 

However, we are fully aware that we cannot do this alone, so we’ve launched a movement called ‘Caring for the Future’.


A challenge we can't face alone.

Wales is at a moment of radical
transformation. From the impacts of
austerity, an ageing population, rising
levels of poverty, isolation and inequality
– the very basis of our social contract is at

Yet the new technology, new business
models and new models of cooperation
and coordination are inviting the catalyst
for change.

This isn't a challenge we can overcome alone.

Will you join us and help transform housing and care for the people of Wales?

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Creating a movement

Caring for the Future is a systems challenge - and not one we can solve alone.

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Moving beyond silos

Making this future a reality requires us to transform together, both internally and together as a movement.


Leading from the front

In recognition of our collective responsibilities we are hosting an intensive change lab to understand what a caring neighbourhood fit for the 21st century looks like.


Responding to change

The Welsh Government recognises that our existing ways of measuring care outcomes requires new thinking, and is leading by example with key shifts in policy.


From glass half empty to half full 


Shifting the aspirations and outcome metrics from ones that are purely deficit based - glass half empty - to a more asset based model - glass half full - is the only way we can unlock potential in our communities, drive greater involvement with people, engagement amongst staff and innovation capacity within the